Monday, September 26, 2016

How being 25 has got me into thinking

Just a couple days ago I am officially welcomed to the quarter life, or some might say the quarter squad #quartersquad and as far as i'm concerned nothing specific has changed in terms of physical transformation (at least that's what I think), well maybe my face gets weirder lately? i have no idea lol.

So many things happened in my life from age 24 to my newly quarter life now, it was a hell of a roller coaster ride I would say. Crazy experiences! life lessons, heart broken stories, sincere happy moments, family bonding, friends who went away, family drama, the new guy(s) I dated, questioning phase, insecurities, mad love? revelation, new faces, and all many priceless moments that I been thru in just 365 days.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Coldplay - Amazing Day

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have just landed in Heathrow International airport, welcome to London."

Grey clouds welcomed me and the entire crew on June 23rd 2016, it was a cloudy afternoon in London and rain start pouring down. I saw few people in a uniform standing before the 2L-door on our Boeing 777 giving us signs to follow their path. We -crew- took the elevator down to the parking lane and head to the bus, whereas the bus took us to the crew security area. Our luggages were sent to the security room and we were asked to open all of it. 

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I promised my high school-me back then that one day I would be in London no matter how no matter what. I was totally clueless how the heck I was going to make it happen honestly. High school was a tough years, my parents were in an unstable financial condition, my dad's businesses were all lead to the dead end, he was tricked by his partners somehow and we struggled to keep our feet on the ground, yet I still believe that I'm still gonna make it anyway. Fly to London I shall do. I just know.

Monday, June 20, 2016


"Flight Attendant, Take Off Position"

picture courtesy: here

2015, September

it's me sitting, not in my uniform not with my hair do, just sitting next to the window with my casual white dress as another normal passenger. Crystal clear I reckon my heart beats faster, all those excitements bursting out loud, my head full about you and all the wrongness that I sense.

Here I am, on your land. Airport smells like the ocean. You... you smell like the ocean. I saw you there with your charming smile, still wrong, all of these are wrong.

Friday, June 17, 2016

11 Tugas Pramugari yang Belum Kamu Ketahui

Good news for wannabes!

Disini gue akan kembali menulis mengenai hal-hal ke-pramugari-an -bukan eyd yang baik- hehe jadi simak baik-baik yah. Mungkin bagi kalian yang udah nggak sabar pengen cepet-cepet jadi pramugari pasti recently melakukan googling mengenai apa aja sih kerjaan pramugari di awan sana? Mungkin ada yang sudah paham bahwa we as a cabin crew our main duty is to perform safety, tapi selain safety apa aja sih yang dilakukan? apa iya cuma menyajikan makanan dan minuman aja? Apa iya cuma senyam-senyum nyengar-nyengir aja? Boarding angkat-angkatin barang penumpang? Well without further due, let's get to know what we do exactly from the moment we enter the aircraft to up in the air!

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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A Glance Hello to Old Fellas

I knowwwwww.. it's been forever since I write the last time (classic). It's been 8 months i know :P

I will not make up by saying I've been too busy and start making excuses why I never write again, but hey ladies, I will try my best to keep it up with you, thirsty souls!

Anywayyyy, bakalan banyak banget yang pengen gue share disini mulai dari new adventures, new hobby, and all those rituals/sports/beauties that I will start write down haha, *pinky promise*

Jadiiiiiiii sabar aja yah menunggu postingan jalan-jalan dan lain lainnya. Okay?

